Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hmmmm...Grandma moved and trying to play catch up? Not going to be easy.

So much has happened since July. Grandma & Papa moved into their new house and daddy, Tori and I moved into ours. :-)

I now have about 1.5 acres of yard to roam. Woo hoo! And got a playhouse and little Tykes swing set, slide and tree house in the deal. Thanks Grandma and Papa!!!! Tori and I love our backyard.

Well, we all know school has so Tori and I are both in a new district now. Tori loves her new school and is doing super. I, on the other hand am not having a positive experience this year. Daddy and Grandma as so worried. So we are going to have another IEP meeting to iron things out. I will let you know how this goes once we get through the meeting. Do wish me luck.

I have spoken 2 new words over the past week; "Up & baby." How cool is this? I thought everyone would faint when I spoke these out loud. Hee Hee. Just can't underestimate an angel can they? I have been pretty healthy since the growth spurt and seizure episode in July. My neuro really made a huge adjustment to my Keppra and once I adjusted to it all has been great.

With school and the weather change the sniffles are coming and going. But I am handling them well. I like sleeping in cool weather. :-) My new bedroom is awesome. I even got a dutch door compliments of great grandpa. He came over to the house and installed it before grandma moved out so it would be ready for my arrival. Gotta love my family don't you? They are always thinking of me and my safety. Since it is grandma's house that we are living in she says we can do what we need to to keep me safe and out of harms way. And that is precisely what they have done.

Well, it is a short post but hopefully we are back on track now and I can post regularly again. Sweet angel kisses to all.


Zachary Rouleau said...

Glad you are back, Emma!! I hope to see pictures of your new bedroom and your new house! Sounds cool!

It is bad to hear that it is not going so well at your new school. Hope that everything will be fine soon for you!

I missed you,

your friend from Canada,


Emma's Grandma said...

Emma!!! Glad to hear from you! Sounds like your new house is just perfect for you and Tori. Good luck with the IEP, nothing more important than having a good relationship with your teachers and administrators!

Hugs & kisses from Candy & Emma!