Thursday, March 6, 2008

I've been practicing my fine motor skills... :-)

Well once again grandma thinks I have mastered the world. Who am I to tell her differently? She brought me erasable markers Saturday and a little book to write in thinking I might draw for her. Silly grandma, I was far more interested in the marker itself.

Adults want us to do one thing and as usual we angels want to do our own thing!

Well, lo and behold....though I wasn't overly interested in drawing for her she got the biggest charge out of my ability to place the cap back on the marker! I am not sure why..... but hey I am going to let her enjoy the moment. It takes so little to make my grandma happy and let face it, happy is what I am all about! :-)
Reminder: these are erasable makers and I AM being monitored at all times.

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